Our Goal

The generation to end cancer. At Sigma Chi, this is our battle cry. Thousands of Sigma Chi's have stepped up to fund cancer research and have announced a 7-year commitment to raise $11M to fuel the innovative research at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI). We are making the largest commitment to a philanthropy in the history of men’s fraternity because we are Sigma Chi. 

Our goal for Derby Days this year is to raise $10,000. While this is a lofty goal, it's one that we have taken concrete steps towards achieving. Please consider making a donation and helping us reach our chapter goal and work towards our ultimate goal: to be the generation to end cancer. 

Donate to Derby Days
Donate to the House/Facilities
Donate to Scholarship Fund

Venmo Donations

Venmo is our preferred form of donation. All donations can be made to @SigmaChi-UMN. Venmo is supported due to the fact that, unlike credit cards, it has no transaction fees. Click on the Venmo logo to create an account.